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NWU Senior Finds Calling From Indian Reservation Experience

NWU Senior Finds Calling From Indian Reservation Experience

  • 艾米丽·克莱门特
    Senior 艾米丽·克莱门特's work with Native Americans has led to a career interest in advocating for their rights.
  • 艾米丽·克莱门特
    艾米丽·克莱门特 (right) and her sister are pictured with Frank LaMere, co-star of the documentary "Sober Indian, 危险的印度."
  • 艾米丽·克莱门特
    Senior 艾米丽·克莱门特's work with Native Americans has led to a career interest in advocating for their rights.
  • 艾米丽·克莱门特
    艾米丽·克莱门特 (right) and her sister are pictured with Frank LaMere, co-star of the documentary "Sober Indian, 危险的印度."


内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 student 艾米丽·克莱门特 uncovered her passion for Native American heritage early. So it was only natural for her to spend her college years pursuing that interest even further.

Since her first year at Nebraska Wesleyan, the senior social work major from Lincoln, Neb., has studied all she can about Native American culture, completing all courses the university offers on the topic—including professor Jeff Mohr’s course "Field Studies: Native American Life." The course — which includes a trip to the Winnebago and Omaha Indian reservations — sparked her purpose.

每年夏天提供, the social work professor takes a group of NWU students to the reservations for several days to submerge them in the Native American lifestyle and reveal the hardships they face.

“我只是被这种文化迷住了, but I am angry at the injustices done towards Native Americans,莫尔说。. "The Winnebagos always tell me that it is important to them that the students return to their lives and tell everyone good things about Native people."

在班级旅行的时候, 克莱门特遇到了弗兰克·拉米尔, a Native American activist and co-star in the documentary, “清醒的印度, 危险的印度.” The documentary is a story of brave men and women on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation who have found empowerment through sobriety. The film also follows those still struggling to overcome addiction perpetuated by alcohol sales at nearby Whiteclay  — home to four liquor stores that sell millions of cans of beer each year to residents of Pine Ridge, 干巴巴的预约.

Though the film is revealing in its documentation of the lives of Native Americans in Pine Ridge, Clement said the film in no way compares to seeing the awfulness in person.

"I think the film does a great job of documenting the atrocities that happen in Whiteclay and the hopelessness on the reservation, but seeing it firsthand was different,克莱门特说. “It's hard to believe you are in the United States of America when driving through Whiteclay and Pine Ridge."

克莱门特被拉米尔的作品打动了, 在得知“清醒的印第安人”之后, 危险的印度” and its potential impact on audiences, developed a plan to bring it to campus. Her efforts drew a crowd of more than 400 people to see the film on campus last year. The documentary returned to Nebraska Wesleyan this spring with another large turnout.

"Through the showing I hoped to get more people involved in the issue by exposing them to the horror of what is happening in Whiteclay,她说.

Developing greater awareness of Native American hardships was just the start for Clement. She continues to urge others to get involved.

“Let people know what’s going on,” she said. “联系政府,参议院. 给我们的立法机关写信.”

Clement has continued to share her knowledge and passion with fellow NWU students and faculty and puts her passion into action at activist events. She recently participated in a candlelight vigil honoring Native American lives lost to alcohol consumption, and she attended the Whiteclay Leadership Summit near the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. That summit uncovered her desire to remain a part of the support system advocating for Native American rights.

"I realized that I really want to dedicate my life to not only shutting down Whiteclay, but fighting for the rights of Native people everywhere who have been oppressed and mistreated for so long."

Clement is currently completing her social work practicum with the Ponca tribe. 在她五月份毕业之后, she plans to continue working with Native Americans and hopes to someday work with Native youth in suicide prevention.


Story by Quinn Hullett, public relations intern